
Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Global Warming

Pemanasan global (global warming) telah menjadi subyek perdebatan intens yang melintasi ranah politik dan sosial.
Terlepas bahwa ada sebagian pihak yang menganggap pemanasan global sebagai mitos, kenyataannya kita sekarang sudah bisa melihat dampaknya.
Untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih baik, berikut adalah beberapa dampak dan konsekuensi pemanasan global.

1. Kekeringan

Sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan oleh sekelompok ahli iklim Inggris menemukan bahwa pemanasan global akan mengakibatkan kekeringan besar dalam 100 tahun ke depan.
Skala kekeringan begitu besar hingga mencakup setengah dari total lahan yang kita miliki saat ini.
Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) menyatakan bahwa persentase global daerah kering telah meningkat sebesar 1,74% antara tahun 1950 dan 2008.
Kekeringan tentu saja akan memicu kegagalan panen yang akan berdampak fatal bagi populasi dunia.

2. Wabah

Perubahan iklim akan menyebabkan lonjakan epidemi sejumlah penyakit.
Berbagai virus umumnya tidak dapat bertahan hidup pada suhu dingin.
Namun, dengan kenaikan suhu akibat perubahan iklim, virus yang tadinya hanya mampu berkembang dalam iklim tropis kemudian menyebar ke daerah lain.
Korea Institite of Health and Social Affairs (KIHASA) menyatakan bahwa “Dalam kasus ekstrim, 1 derajat kenaikan suhu akan mengakibatkan kenaikan 6 persen dalam penyebaran penyakit.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Subjunctive Grammar

Subjunctive is rather insignificant in modern English. Most likely you might come across this form in American English, and most probably in formal texts.


In most cases, subjunctive and indicative forms of a verb are the same. So often you would not notice whether a verb is used in subjunctive or indicative mood. The only indicator for subjunctive is that no ‘s’ is added in 3rd person singular and that the verb ‘be’ remains ‘be’ for all forms in present tense and becomes ‘were’ for all forms in past tense.

Relative Clause

Exercise 37, page 138
  1. The Last Record, which was produced by this company become a gold record.
  2. Checking accounts, which require a minimum balance, are very common now.
  3. The professor, whom you spoke to yesterday, is not here today.
  4. John, who grade are highest in the school, has received scholarship.
  5. Felipe bought a camera that has three lenses.
  6. Frank is the man that we are going to nominate for the office of treasurer.
  7. The doctor is with a patient who leg was broken in an accident.
  8. Jane is the woman who/that going to China next year.
  9. Janet wants a typewriter that self-corrects.
  10. This book, which I found last week, contains some useful information.
  11. My Bryant, whose team has lost the game, looks very sad.
  12. James wrote an article which indicate that he dislike the president.
  13. The director of the program, which graduated from Harvest University, is planning to retire next year.
  14. This is the book which I've been looking for all this year.
  15. William, whose brother is a lawyer, wants to become judge.